The NSW Government issued revised COVID-19 regulations on Saturday 2 January 2021.
Places of Worship and Religious Services
Effective 2 January 2021, the maximum number of people who can attend religious gatherings will be limited to 1 person per 4 square metres up to a maximum of 100 people.
Weddings and funerals will also be limited to 1 person per 4 square metres up to a maximum of 100 people.
Parishioners are not required to book to attend Mass as it will go by “a first come, first serve basis”, therefore we will only allow the first 100 people to enter the church for each of our Mass services.
In this current time, we should avoid gatherings after Mass and we need to disperse from the grounds as quickly as possible.
Face masks
Face masks is mandatory at places of worship. Wearing a mask, especially in indoor venues like churches and religious services, is now compulsory.
From Monday, 4 January 2021, non-compliance with wearing face masks will attract a $200 on-the- spot-fine for individuals.
We are grateful for the understanding of our parishioners. Being a COVID-Safe Parish is a co-operative effort by all members of the parish community.
During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic the following should be noted by all parishioners:
- There is a maximum number of people allowed in the church. Though this continues to change, and one should always check at the door of the church, it is currently 100.
- Parishioners are asked to sign in before entering the church, and to sanitise their hands before doing so.
- Parishioners are to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters from other parishioners at all times. The pews are marked to assist parishioners in doing so.
- Holy Communion can only be received on the hand.
- There is no sharing of the sign of peace.
- There is no congregational signing.
We thank everyone for their cooperation.
Our Parish is committed to keep our community COVID Safe COVID Safety @ SMM