Parish Move Night

The Parish Movie Night is this Saturday the 20th of August, meeting after the 6pm Vigil Mass.

The movie will be Monsieur Vincent (1947). It is rated G, but it is French with English subtitles.  The movie is on the Vatican’s Best film list. The synopsis is as follows “St. Vincent de Paul struggles to bring about peace and harmony among peasants and nobles in the midst of the Black Death in Europe, carrying on his charitable work in the face of all obstacles.

Young Adults Youth Group moving to Sunday Night

In an effort to make attendance at the Parish’s Youth Adults Youth Group (18-35 y.o.) more accessible we are going to move it from Friday night to Sunday night after the 6pm evening Mass.   It will therefore meet this Sunday the 21st of September. 

We are hoping to see a few new faces there are encourage everyone to bring a friend.